Core Muscles Redefined
We commonly refer to the "core muscles" of the body as the abdominals and a lot of exercise focus goes into trying to strengthen the "abs or 6 pack". A close look at anatomy reveals the abdominal muscle, Rectus abdominis, is a thin sheath at the outer body that covers the viscera or internal organs. At the core of the body attached to the lumbar spine are the Psoas major muscles - this more accurately defines the "core muscles". Innervation occurs first in the psoas muscles, so if these muscles are weakened or mal-aligned it affects the performance of other muscles in the kinetic chain, including the rectus abdominis.
STAMINA is a measurable physical rehabilitation system and through this measurability a consistent pattern has emerged that shows Psoas major as a primary stabilizer in the kinetic chain. A research study is currently underway in collaboration with STAMINA Academy and University of Alberta to scientifically validate this theory. See Academy News & Events for more information on current research with University of Alberta.